I help you cut through the noise in order to find clarity, confidence and connection to your innate wisdom

Hi! I’m Sean. I created 11th Wave Coaching with a singular purpose in mind — to help people. I have always had an intuitive drive to do this, but could never put my finger on what that meant or how to accomplish it. Then I discovered life coaching and all of that changed. I realized that I had an ability to facilitate growth in people. I say facilitate because I wasn’t the one doing the changing. The changing and growth is always coming from you. I truly believe that that is how it works, you have all of the innate wisdom you need to make positive changes in your life. I am here to support transformations and your relationship to your emotions.

I will be there along the way to help you ride the waves and to aid you in getting back up when life knocks you down.

Trained by Martha Beck through her Wayfinder Life Coach Training accredited course. Martha Beck is the OG life coach! She is an amazing author and all around awesome person!

“My Session with Sean felt so comfortable and it was so easy to open up right away with him. He is unafraid to bring more awareness of yourself to you, in the most gentle, kind way and creates the most positive experience. I left feeling a sense of calm, strength and relief, as if there was less unnecessary weight on my shoulders, and I remained this way, truly understanding myself better.”

Lauren Levine - Intuitive Medium - Lauren Levine Movement - Charleston, SC

Coaching Discovery Call -
Complimentary 30-minute Session

If you’re ready to ride the wave give me a call! During this complimentary 45-minute session we'll discuss my coaching practice, what services I include and how we'll work together. I'm excited to meet you and see where I can help you grow in your life!

Brain Grenade -
60-minute Coaching Session

In this 60-minute session, we'll connect on a deeper level. It takes our initial discovery session even further and will set you up to work with me on a longer, more consistent basis so that we can accomplish some real change in your life.

Riding the Wave -
3- or
6-Month Coaching Package

Over the course of 3 or 6 months, we'll get deep and work together to unlock your potential and to see what's going on in your life.

The package is set up with , 60-minute coaching sessions (6 total for the 3-month package and 12 total. for the 6-month package). Sessions will be divided into 2 per month.

“You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to ride them.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn